Creamy Carrot and Herb Linguini

6 oz. uncooked whole-wheat linguini
2 cups carrot noodles and ribbons
1/4 cup water
2 Tbsp. flour
2 cups low-fat milk
2 Tbsp. Halladay's Chardonnay or Garlic Herb Seasoning
1/2 cup parmesan, grated
Cook pasta according to package directions, adding carrots during last 3 minutes of cooking; drain. Heat a skillet over medium-low. Whisk flour and seasoning together with ¼ cup water and add to skillet. Slowly add milk, whisking constantly; bring to a simmer. Cook 5 minutes or until reduced to about 1 ½ cups; whisk in cheese. Toss with pasta mixture to coat. Let sit 5-10 minutes before serving.